The mission of the Office of the Vice President for Research is to support a rigorous program of faculty and student research and creative accomplishment by enhancing the environment for scholarly and artistic endeavors, encouraging the highest standards of quality, and fostering ethical conduct in research. As part of the mission of OVPR, CORES (Core Services) is being developed with the goal of support and encourage research at Penn State. CORES is dedicated to providing Penn State's research community with access to our research core facilities and services.
Agilent's iLab Solutions provides our cores and core users with a web-based scheduling, ordering, and billing system to provide ease of access to state-of-the-art instrumentation, services, and expert staff.
To see a listing of our iLab and non-iLab cores, use the PSU Core Facilities tab.
Use the Search Cores tab to locate specific instrumentation, services, or expertise.

Penn State's F&A Rates
In order to support research, all federal and many non-federal sponsors reimburse not only the direct costs associated with research (ex. instrutmentation usage, analysis, and services provided by our research cores) but also the indirect costs associated with research (ex. cost of utilities, maintenance, administrative, etc.). These indirect costs are referred to as Facilities and Administratvie (F&A) costs and are typically expressed as a rate. Invoices generated in iLab indicate only the direct costs. Penn State generated invoices recieved from the core will include both direct and indirect costs. For more information on F&A rates, please see Penn State's Faciliities and Administrative Costs page.
Cores at Penn State College of Medicine
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
Advanced Light Microscopy (COM)
The Advanced Light Microscopy Core at Penn State College of Medicine offers consultation and training for fluorescence imaging of molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and embryos. Additionally, we provide access to commercial software for image visualization/processing/analysis and can offer expert advice in quantitative image analysis.
William Giang |
AdvancedLightMicroscopy@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
Atomic Force Microscopy Core (COM)
Christopher Siedlecki |
csiedlecki@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
717-531-5716 |
Biorepository (COM)
Clinical Specimen Processing Core (COM)
Susan George |
sgeorge4@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
286309 |
Comparative Medicine Imaging (COM)
Provides a non-invasive way to track and quantify bioluminescent and fluorescent signals in cells or in whole animals.
Raj Kothapalli, |
szk416@psu.edu |
814-865-0459 |
Cryo-Electron Microscopy (COM)
Matt Swulius |
mts286@psu.edu |
Custom Antibody Core (COM)
Neil D. Christensen |
ndc1@psu.edu |
X6185 |
Flow Cytometry (COM)
Facilitate cutting-edge research by providing this state-of-the-art fluorescence-activated cell sorting and analytical services at reasonable hourly rates.
Joe Bednarczyk |
jab33@psu.edu |
717-531-6908 |
Genome Sciences (COM)
Provides consultation, instrumentation, and services in genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic studies. Has capabilities ranging from highly focused analysis of candidate SNPs and mRNAs to whole genome, exome, epigenome and transcriptome sequencing.
General Inquiry |
GenomeSciences@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
717-531-5823 |
High Performance Computing (COM)
Jason Hughes |
jhughes7@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
Institute for Personalized Medicine (COM)
IPM-Research |
MRI Core (COM)
Jeff Vesek |
jjv12@psu.edu |
717-531-0003 ext.285782 |
Mass Spectrometry & Proteomics (COM)
Anne E. Stanley |
aes7@psu.edu |
(717) 531-4055 |
Metabolic Phenotyping Core (COM)
Sarah Bingaman |
ssimmonds@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
717-531-0003 extension 286490 |
Qualitative and Mixed Methods Core QMMC (COM)
Candace Bordner |
cbordner@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
Radiology Imaging Core Lab (COM)
Kevin Moser |
kmoser1@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
717-531-6865 |
Reagent Supply Center (COM) Storeroom
Suja Maddukuri |
srm25@psu.edu |
717-531-6087 |
The Aperio Slide Scanning Core (COM)
Jean Copper |
jec13@psu.edu |
717-531-5301 |
Transmission Electron Microscopy (COM)
Our mission is to provide high-quality transmission electron microscopy (TEM) services, education, and training for the Penn State Hershey campus, other academic institutions, and private companies at-large.
Han Chen |
hchen3@pennstatehealth.psu.edu |
717-531-4036 |
Zebrafish Functional Genomics Facility (COM)
Jessica Christ |
jmc8951@psu.edu |
717-531-4704 |
Cores at PSU ORIS
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
Cores at Penn State Behrend
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
AMIC Labs (Behrend:ERIE)
The Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Center (AMIC) building, located in Knowledge Park near Penn State Behrend's campus, houses multiple load frames, an AFM, an ESEM, hardness testers, optical microscopes, sample preparation equipment, and an optical profilometry instrument.
Beth Last, Ph.D. |
bab5313@psu.edu |
814.898.6134 |
Burke Center Labs (Behrend:ERIE)
The Jack Burke Research and Economic Development Center building, located on Penn State Behrend's campus, contains both manufacturing equipment and characterization instrumentation for polymers, metallic materials, and electronic materials.
Beth Last, Ph.D. |
bab5313@psu.edu |
814.898.6134 |
OBS Labs (Behrend:ERIE)
The Otto Behrend Sciences building and Yahn Planetarium are part of the School of Science at Penn State Behrend. Characterization equipment includes multiple mass spectrometers (GC-MS, LC-MS, ICP-MS), light spectrometers (FTIRs), a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) instrument, and calorimeters.
Beth Last, Ph.D. |
bab5313@psu.edu |
814.898.6134 |
Plastics Processing Lab - 127 Burke (Behrend:ERIE)
The Plastics Processing Lab, located in 127 Burke, is a multi-million dollar state-of-the-art processing lab. All major plastic conversion processes are represented in the 10,300-square-foot facility.
Beth Last, Ph.D. |
bab5313@psu.edu |
814.898.6134 |
Cores at Penn State Chemistry
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
Chemistry Maintenance/Pump Shop (CHEM)
The maintenance shop provides an array of repair and renovation services. The pump shop provides pump repair, pump maintenance, pump overhaul, and all your vacuum pump needs.
Shari Miller |
slt7@psu.edu |
814-865-2149 |
Glassblowing Shop (CHEM)
A full service facility capable of fabricating scientific glassware, both simple and complex.
Jerry French |
jff5667@psu.edu |
814-865-7051 |
Liquid Nitrogen (CHEM)
This service allows researchers to have their liquid nitrogen dewars filled.
Shari Miller |
slt7@psu.edu |
814-865-2149 |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (CHEM)
The Penn State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) is a state-of-the-art campus wide Facility that houses ten high-resolution Bruker NMR instruments (300 MHz to 850 MHz) with a wide range of capabilities: high-sensitivity cryoprobes, high-throughput sample changers, solid state probe...
Tapas Mal |
tapas@psu.edu |
814-865-0941; Mobile: 617-803-2411 |
Research Instrumentation Facility (CHEM)
Provides cost-effective and high quality services for design and fabrication of custom instrumentation and the maintenance and repair of equipment which is used throughout the Penn State community.
Shari Miller |
slt7@psu.edu |
814-865-2149 |
X-Ray Crystallography (CHEM)
Crystal growth, single crystal structure determination and data analysis of small molecule samples can be performed at the facility.
Hemant Yennawar |
hpy1@psu.edu |
814-865-8383 |
Cores at Penn State College of Agriculture
Cores at Penn State Health & Human Development
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
Biomarker Core Lab (HHD)
A wet lab specially designed for ELISA, Multiplex assays, and Telomere length analysis. This shared use facility is setup for complete sample analysis, sample organization, sample aliquoting, long-term sample storage and independent use of lab equipment by PIs and their research staff.
Sheree Logue, Ph.D. |
sul459@psu.edu |
814-863-2472 |
Clinical & Translational Science Institute
The CTSI fosters an environment that allows research discoveries to quickly and efficiently develop into health benefits.
Cyndi Flanagan |
chf117@psu.edu |
814-865-7103 |
Penn State Research Kitchen (HHD)
Kristina Petersen |
kup63@psu.edu |
814-863-7206 |
Cores at Penn State Huck
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
Automated Biological Calorimetry Facility (Huck)
Providing high-throughput thermodynamic analysis of biological macromolecule binding and folding to University and outside researchers.
Neela Yennawar |
nhy1@psu.edu |
814-863-9387 |
CSL Behring Fermentation Facility (Huck)
Facilitating bioprocessing services by providing equipment and expertise to university-affiliated and independent governmental and industrial researchers.
Mekala Venkatachalam |
mxv5315@psu.edu |
814-863-6455 |
Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility (Huck)
Providing services in all aspects of optical and electron microscopy, histology, flow cytometry, and cell sorting.
Sung Hyun (Joseph) Cho |
sxc73@psu.edu |
814-865-5729 |
Flow Cytometry Facility (Huck)
Providing services in all aspects of flow cytometry, and cell sorting.
Rajeswaran Mani |
rpm5900@psu.edu |
814-865-6595 |
Galaxy Services (Huck)
Greg Von Kuster |
ghv2@psu.edu |
Genomics Core Facility (Huck)
Providing next-generation sequencing and a number of traditional genomic services to the Penn State community as well as those outside the University.
Craig Praul |
cap142@psu.edu |
814-865-4262 |
Genomics Research Incubator
Cheryl Keller |
cak142@psu.edu |
81-863-3150 |
High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Facility (Huck)
Providing in vivo imaging and magnetic resonance microscopy services via custom-designed experiments.
Thomas Neuberger |
tun3@psu.edu |
814-863-7625 |
Microscopy Core Facility (Huck)
The Facility is specialized in three clusters – optical microscopy, electron microscopy and histology – equipped with confocal microscopes, research fluorescence microscopes, transmission- and scanning electron microscopes.
Greg Ning |
gxn7@psu.edu |
814-863-0994 |
Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry Core Facility (Huck)
Offering nominal and accurate MS analysis, and providing identification and quantitation of metabolites by LC-MS or LC-MS-MS, and protein sample identification by LC-ESI-MS-MS, or MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS.
Tatiana Laremore |
tnl1@psu.edu |
814-863-3503 |
Sartorius Cell Culture Facility (Huck)
Randy Rossi |
rmr29@psu.edu |
814-865-0777 |
X-Ray Crystallography (Huck)
Providing training, assistance and expertise in crystallizing and determining the three-dimensional structures of proteins and other biological macromolecules.
Neela Yennawar |
nhy1@psu.edu |
814-863-9387 |
Metabolomics Core Facility (Huck)
Conducting mass spectrometry-based metabolomics studies on a variety of biofluids and tissue extracts from plant and animal sources.
Cores at Penn State IEE
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
Cores at Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
Provides high-performance computing solutions through the Advanced CyberInfrastructure (ICDS-ACI) system.
Lesley Shaffer |
ljm32@psu.edu |
814-863-9697 |
Cores at Penn State SSRI
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |
The SLEIC is dedicated to fostering cutting edge research in the social, behavioral, biological, engineering, and materials sciences where imaging methodologies play a central role.
Michele Diaz |
mtd143@psu.edu |
814-863-1726 |
Other cores at Penn State University
Core Name |
Primary Contact |
Email |
Phone Number/Ext |